I did this to myself last week.
Definitely not the first time… and probably not the last… but this one is a lasting visual of my motivation exceeding my ability. Happens all the time!
Strangely enough, this is a sign of progress. You see, I have been working on butterfly pull ups.
When I first began the skill work, I was stopped by my hands (being rubbed in the middle of my palm vs. right under the digits of my hand). So I didn’t make much progress in my first skill session.
When I returned to butterfly skill work after letting my hands heal, I was stopped by the jolt to my elbows and my connective tissue becoming tired from the weight of my body. After letting that soreness dissipate, I returned to my butterfly skill work and was stopped by my inability to get the right rhythm. My hands and elbows were a little sore after this attempt, but not nearly what they were the first time.
Finally, I was able to string together a few butterfly pull ups. Like, two. And maybe the first one wasn’t high enough. But I persevered.
The next time I got three in a row (Yay!). After more skill sessions, I finally added them into my first workout. I’m sure half of them weren’t high enough, but that wasn’t the point. The point was: Progress. I was at least TRYING them.
This past week, I put them in the workout again and tried to string more together before dropping off the rig. Hence, the blisters. That’s what happens when you grip too hard for too long. But, I strung together 8 in a row! Progress!!
And then just recently, I was able to complete 12 in a row, which is what the workout called for, so I was able to drop off the bar and with… NO BLISTERS! My coach high-fived me. It was great.
It has probably taken me 20 separate skill sessions to accomplish this milestone. It didn’t happen in two sessions. It certainly didn’t happen overnight. But, it happened. And while I am a lot further along in mastering this skill, I still have plenty of work to do.
So, let me encourage you. If you are being stopped by limitations and obstacles whether directly or indirectly, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t making any progress. Some things just take a lot of time and practice to master. Keep TRYING. Don’t stop trying. It will get better. Even if there’s blisters.
Keep moving,
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