Fueling for an Evening Workout

Fueling for an Evening Workout

Going to workout after work? What is the BEST thing to eat/drink and when? It can be tricky figuring out just what you need before you show up at the gym. You don't want to show up already dehydration and hungry. 😞 But at the same time, you don't want to be full...

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Early Morning Workout? Best Ways to Fuel Up

Early Morning Workout? Best Ways to Fuel Up

  What to eat for Breakfast when you CrossFit at 5 am It’s 4 a.m. Your alarm goes off and you get out of bed, brush your teeth and get dressed for the gym. Breakfast usually is NOT a part of your routine that early. For some people they can’t force themselves to...

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Pre-Workout for Early Morning Exercisers

Pre-Workout for Early Morning Exercisers

Pre Workout for Early Morning Exercisers It's freakin' early... what do you have before you step into the gym? Priscilla walks you through what to do and how to prepare for your sunrise workout!

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Master or Balance: Which Season are you in Now?

Master or Balance: Which Season are you in Now?

  Yesterday I turned on my car radio (does anyone do that anymore?). Anyway, I guess I do- occasionally. In fact, it caught my attention that I had not turned on my station in months. I was totally out of the loop with what the announcer was talking about.  And...

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How You THINK You’re Eating- Food for Thought

When you think you are eating healthy..   If I was to give you the following example and ask 100 people, about 95 of them would tell me "It was a really healthy day, and I did really well with my nutrition." So let’s break down a “normal healthy day”... Breakfast...

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Did I Just Eat THAT? -Weekly Refuel

Did I Just Eat THAT?! Last week our son bit it riding his bike. Apparently his front wheel came off while he was jumping a puddle, and SPLAT! Down he went. Hand and face first. (Welcome to my world of 4 kids where there is SOMETHING every week... I know you can relate...

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Stray From the Swarm- Weekly Refuel

Stray From the Swarm The swarm is your people. It's your group. The group that meets at the same church each week. Heads toward the same restaurants. The same bars. Shops at the same stores. Involved with the same organizations or clubs. It's your buzz. Where you...

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4 Ways Victory Fuels You- Weekly Refuel

I had a breakthrough. I was "sitting" on top of the pull up rig, arms fully extended, hips against the bar, legs dangling in the air... sitting at the top of my first Bar Muscle-Up. Now- HOLD UP!.... let's back up a bit and review a few facts: I am 42 years old. I've...

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