  Has your summer been rushing by like mine? Sometimes I think our summers are busier than our school years, with kids going this way and that way, friends sleeping over, beach trips, family visits… I know you know what I’m talking about. And with all the time we spend in the car, it’s really easy to take your favorite drink and fill up on it. So, today I’m sharing with you some stats on what YOU ARE REALLY DRINKING. Some of these statistics are simply shocking to me. I want you to imagine this: You head to the kitchen and remove a 4 pound bag of sugar off your pantry shelf. You open up your drawer and find your 1/3 cup measuring cup for dry goods. Returning to the counter, you open your bag of sugar and scoop out 1/3 cup, leveling it as if for baking. Next, you open your silverware drawer and find a spoon. Taking the measuring cup in one hand and your spoon in the other, you to eat the sugar out of the cup. Just straight up, EAT THE SUGAR. Sounds ridiculous, right? In some of these cases, that’s exactly what we are doing. So, watch on… Keep moving! Coach Priscilla