“You want THAT one?!”
It was two days before Hurricane Irma was projected to hit Ocala, and Brian and I were standing in the barren Garden section of Walmart looking at a kiddie pool. In my mind, when my husband said, “I think we need a water container in case we lose power,” I thought he meant one of those plastic kiddie pools that came with colorful designs on it and are a toddler’s delight.
We were looking at a full-fledged four foot tall above-ground pool. On clearance of course, because… it was Fall.
So the day before Irma hits, while everyone else is figuring out how to keep water OUT of their houses, we are filling up our “water receptacle”. We are literally pouring in HUNDREDS of gallons of water… I thought that was ironic.
But, I tell you what, it was a moment of BRILLIANCE on my husband’s part.
Because that pool- saved us.
If you lived during the Irma aftermath in Ocala, you know that there were two camps of people. The first camp lived among the monotonous buzz of generators with glued eyes to the power company’s website (if you could power a device), and fervently prayed that your neighborhood was next on the list of communities to be blessed by the power fairies.
The second camp, however, was living a secret life of business as usual, and except for the gasoline outages, was pressed to embarrassment to admit that they still had power by the looks their co-workers gave them should they find out that they had running water and a/c.
Admittedly, our family was one of the first camp.
And at our home, after Irma swept up all the cool air with it, we were left with a pool full of branches, leaves and blossoms. Yet, the ONLY thing that had any cooling effect was the water- albeit tainted with debris… hence… the “Red Neck Pool” got its name.
And so every day, after spending it helping others, working at the gym, and using our camping equipment to fix meals, I would don my bathing suit and jump in- with floating leaves, ants running along the edge of the pool, and ladder beside the pool with my towel hung over it.
Yes, I was styling.
I know, I know. When you imagine what luxurious relaxing looks like, I was far from it.
I looked absolutely ridiculous.
But, it didn’t matter.
And, that’s my point.
You see, today, this week, this month- life is going to be busy, and messy, and some days things just aren’t going to go right. In fact, a lot of it may go wrong. BUT, even if things are out of your control, you can find your “Red Neck Pool”. You can find SOMETHING that can bring you joy. Even if, you’re in the week from hell. (Which we pretty much were after that hurricane.)
You don’t have to be in a cabana, with the perfect weather, and everything lined up as you like it. You can be floating with the branches and still find joy. The key is to just… FIND IT.
Keep moving!
Coach Priscilla
I conduct free consultations every week with ladies that are looking to get back on track, find joy again, and just be healthy. Feel free to book one and let’s get started.
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